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How to increase size of my penis its current size is 5inch i want to increase it by 6-7 is there any way ican! -

How to increase size of my penis its current size is 5inch i want to increase it by 6-7 is there any way ican! -


  • NO

  • Here we go again with another -penis length/size- question. Nope! Won-t make any difference in the length of your penis. Penises come in a variety of sizes. Your penis size will be the size you are given! There are no pills or creams, no toys or tools that will make a penis longer or larger. Any product claiming to do that should be regarded as being suspect. Likely it is a scam and the only thing that will get bigger is the wallet or bank account of the person/company offering the product. Look closely at the promotions and you will see that the product is not tested, inspected, approved or endorsed by any reputable organization. If it works why has it not been submitted to the U.S. Federal Food and Drug Administration for FDA Approval. If you are concerned that your penis is not large enough then consider that the average length is 5.5 inches and frankly that is plenty large enough. Read some of the posts from females who are afraid of the -huge- penises out there. Sure the -American thing- is -bigger is better- but that is not always the case. If you are concerned about the ladies pleasure - and that should be your main concern, you should develop a technique or style that makes the most out of what you were given.
    It is important to remember that sexual intercourse is not simply a piston going back and forth at a high speed. Actually a lot of the -jocks- haven-t figured that out yet. If you work at developing a style you will score more and it will be more fun for both of you.
    And it will be fun learning the technique.
    And if you are still wanting to do something to make your penis bigger, each night before you climb into bed, get down on your knees, bow your head, and pray for a larger penis. Trust me, you stand a better chance this way than with any tools or toys.

  • Personal My reason? If there was a proved - safe way to increase the size of ones penis when erect don-t you think 50% of the guys in this country would have already done it? Heck it would be common knowledge and there wouldn-t any of these -male enhancement- ads on the TV - net.

    For the guys referring you to websites, etc...that-s OK. Give it a shot. Who knows. I could be wrong and a safe, lasting and free enhancement technique my be just be a little known possiblity.

  • 5 inches is smaller than normal, but not by much. I am prolly above the average, but to be honest its not entirely the size that pleases the women. Hell I could be 10 feet but if I cant use the damn thing, then whats the point.

    Find ways to bond with the woman you-re with emotionally. Foreplay is huge, make up for your size by being great at giving oral or kissing or whatever. Know the woman your with and realize not all women pleasure the same, and yes, some do want size, but others need exploring hands, or soft kisses all over.

    The greatest thing I ever did to improve my sex life was to stop trying to please myself and focus on her. You make her happy she-ll return the favor.

  • Depend on your age plus it doesn-t matter what size you are


  • 5 inches is a perfectly normal penis, you are within the average range. You should accept what you have and learn to use it properly that is what matters the most.

  • Don-t know of any proven methods, but remember that the size of an erect penis is virtually the same for everyone regardless of its size when flacid. If you have excess money laying around for things like pills and pumps, invest it. You get a lot more for your money.

  • Mail me leny I will tell you some techniques which will greatly help you. It really works and I am not joking

  • Those vacuum pumps make it look bigger.....and seem to make it thicker and thus more satisfying......or did I always have a fat willy anyway ?

    Remember this fact......the more you use your penis ...the bigger it goes !

    Now I don-t know whether that-s true....but you can have fun trying ! Masturbation doesn-t count ! haha !

    If you measure your penis from below , instead of on will find that you have that couple of extra inches hidden away ! The root of your penis , is by your anus !

  • you want to increase it by 6 to 7 inches? To make it 11 to 12 inches? Or you want to just make it 6 or 7 inches? Either way, my choice for you would be to tie it to a brick, stand on the edge of a balcony, and drop the brick. Works great!

    How to increase size of my penis its current size is 5inch i want to increase it by 6-7 is there any way ican! -

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