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How to grow larger ,thicker amp; HUGE penis? -

How to grow larger ,thicker amp; HUGE penis? -

High there !! ;-)
Is there any remady to increase the size and thickness of one-s penis permanently? It-s present size is 4- ?

  • Apparently there is an operation you can have as some of the penis is on the inside of your body and its approximately 1 to 2 -, I don-t know how much it costs or where it is done, I would imagine that it-s a elective surgery and would probably cost a fair amount of money, try contacting your local mens health centre and they should have more information for you :)

  • Not really... short of transplant surgery overseas and even then so many are scams and leave too much scar tissue.

    There are women who really don-t care about size. They orgasm by stimulating their clitoris and not vaginally. Considering where a woman-s clitoris is located, 4 inches is more than enough. Technique is more important than size. Besides, having a smaller than average penis can be a boon in some cases. Say, receiving oral sex, most women don-t like gagging or choking on some huge salami and would rather perform fellatio on someone smaller.

    All the above applies if you are heterosexual. If homosexual,
    since many base their relationships, peer standing, etc. on size you may have a more difficult time of it. I guess in that case you-d fare better as a catcher rather than pitcher.

    Hope this helps...JT

  • Size does matter, no matter how much we kid ourselves or the ladies say otherwise. It can be a devastating and very embarrassing problem , making you low in confidence and self esteem. Unfortunately help is not available through regular means (G.P-s), so we have to search elsewhere for solutions. The crux with so many claims of miracle pills and gadgets, which one actually delivers the desired result?
    Tried a few gizmo-s myself but found this useful amd the simple logic is this: if you can bulk up naturally by exercise and diet, then there must be a natural way to increase your size.

  • Not really. There are many remedies advertised, but all they want is your money.
    If you are through puberty and have no more growing to do, it is best to accept what you have and learn to use it properly.
    4- is more than enough to give you and your partner pleasure, and make babies when you want to.

  • Begin stimulation at scrotum, which is found at base of testicles. While horizontally fondling scrotum, jerk penis head with other hand.
    Ejaculation will be prevented with only scrotum handling, or cutting erection with index and middle finger acting as scissors..

  • Wear magnifying glasses.

  • penises are not crops that u put some chemical and it grows -larger thicker-..learn to live with it....

  • Use a cock pump.

  • yes wack it very hard till it starts 2 swell up

  • Well all u need is a microscope

  • haha holy **** your small

  • nope

  • surgery.

    you will need a lot of money.

    How to grow larger ,thicker amp; HUGE penis? -

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